will RGUHS promote pharmacy students?

rguhs - rajiv gandhi university of health sciences

Due to novel Covid-19 whole world is facing lots of problems, this deadly virus is affecting people's day to day life. Covid-19 has affected peoples of all kind, everyone are facing problems of their own between which Rajiv Gandhi University of health sciences has already released tentative time table for pharmacy courses. 
Obviously students aren't happy with the discussion of University but does that matter to them? I don't think so.

I have come across several tweets of students, some asking to postpone the exams, some asking to promote them and some sharing their problems. 

From the tweets , I've figured some problems that students are facing. Those are as followes,
• syllabus isn't complete.
• online classes didn't work out for them.
• students cannot pay the exam fee.
• students from from Maharastra, Kerala , North East , Nepal and other states cannot travel back to Karnataka to write exams.
• Parents are afraid to send their children back to hostels to write exams.
        These are some major points of students.
Let's discuss the above points

It's true that parents are afraid to send their children back to hostels. It's the matter of serious risk which needs to be taken care of. If one brings novel virus then there is no stop to it's spreading. Do young students take social distancing with friends serious? Obviously no.
Students from other states to travel back to Karnataka is extremely dangerous, there are hundreds of risks involved in that.
And obviously Covid is affecting people financially, forcing students to pay fees within 10-15 days is really creul thing to do.
We all know that online classes are not working for students. They are not satisfied with online teaching and I even doubt if students even listen to online classes, they say they attended classes for the sake of attandance. 
Teachers were also new to the online thing and suffered to teach online and complete the syllabus.

Should they promote?

I would say yes. They must not put the lives of thousands of students on risk.  University must promote the students on the basis of attandance of online classes and from online Internal average.

Will they promote?

I don't think so. Why? The only reason I could think of is money. The examination brings allot of money to university, they don't care about student's problems. All they want to do is earn money. 

Now looking at the current situation I can say that the people leading the university is No Different than Greedy Politicians. 

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